Interbeton wins two building contracts in Dubai and Qatar

Bunnik, Netherlands, 23 October 2006 – Interbeton bv - the operating company of Royal BAM Group nv, active outside Western Europe - has been awarded two contracts in the Gulf region with a total contract value of €60 million.

In Dubai a joint venture of Higgs & Hill, the local subsidiary of Interbeton, together with ALEC LLC has been awarded the contract for the Z-cluster of JumeirahLakeTowers. The project comprises the construction of three high-rise tower blocks of 40 to 45 floors on a common podium of two levels. Tower Z1 will be dedicated to apartments, Z2 contains a 20 floors hotel and serviced appartments and Z3 will be an office tower block. The client for the Z-cluster is Seven Tides LLC.

The value of phase 1 of the contract (structure) is approximately €52 million, of which Interbeton’s share is half. The construction period is 25 months.

The prestigious JumeirahLakeTowers project comprises a 730.000 m² development with 78 unique residential, commercial and retail towers grouped in 3s to form 26 clusters (A-Z) around a 116.000 m²  man-made lake. A 55-storey tower is situated in the middle op the project.

In Doha, Qatar, Higgs & Hill has been awarded the contract for the 'Al Hitme Residential Building'. The project comprises the construction of two full basement levels of parking, ground floor plus fourteen residential levels containing 84 apartments, a roof level landscaped deck with fitness area, and all grade level hard and soft level landscaped areas. An odd shaped glass roofed atrium links two sections of the building together, creating an open transparent entrance into the building.

The building is situated on a prominent location alongside Doha's main Corniche. The contract value is approximately €34 million and the construction period will be 20 months.

Further information: A.C. Pronk, 31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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