Interbeton wins contract for LNG jetty in Australia

Interbeton bv – the operating company of Royal BAM Group nv, active outside Europe – has been awarded a joint-venture contract by Woodside Energy Ltd., operator of the North West Shelf Venture, to construct a second LNG loading berth at its onshore gas processing facilities near Karratha on the Australian west coast. The contract amounts to approximately € 60 million, of which Interbeton’s share is half.

The contract will be executed in joint-venture with the Australian construction group Clough Ltd. It will involve an 150 metre extension to existing LNG loading facilities at the NWS Venture’s gas plant to allow the loading of LNG tankers with a capacity of up to 145,000 m³.

The contract period is 15 months starting in December 2005. The project team is currently mobilising in Perth. All construction activities will be undertaken from the jack-up barge IB-909, which will shortly be shipped from Malta to the gas plant near Karratha, approximately 1,200 kilometres north of Perth in Western Australia.

The jetty extension is part of the NWS Venture’s expansion of its LNG facilities to include a fifth LNG processing ‘train’. The NWS Venture produces about 11.7 million tons of LNG (liquefied natural gas) a year, which is exported to markets around the world including Japan, Europe, the United States and in 2006, China.

In the 1980s the joint-venture between Interbeton and Clough was responsible for the construction of the existing LNG jetty at the NWS Venture’s facilities near Karratha.

Further information: A.C. Pronk, + 31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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