HBG selected Principal Contractor on the £75 million St Stephens Development, Ferensway, Hull

London, 2 November 2005 – HBG UK Ltd is to undertake a £75 million (€114 million) project in Hull for ING Real Estate Development UK Ltd. The St Stephens Development is a major city centre retail led mixed scheme incorporating large scale retail units, a major food store, restaurants, a hotel and a new home for the Albermarle Music Centre, as well as three separate service areas and multi-storey car parks.

A major feature of the development is a covered street which incorporates a glazed roof running the full length of the central street. The street comprises 32 retail units on two levels providing 325,000 sq ft with an additional 108,000 sq ft food superstore. Above the retail units on the north side there is a two level car park which will provide 1,600 parking spaces.

rrrThe hotel is on the Ferensway frontage of the development, providing 100 bedrooms within the seven storey building. The new home of the Albermarle Music Centre forms another part of the scheme and will comprise a two and three storey building with a two storey conical shaped and elliptical floor plan for the performing spaces.

Project manager is Mace Ltd, architect is Holder Matthias Architects, quantity surveyor is Deacon and Jones, civils, structural and M&E engineer White Young Green.

Work is due for completion in September 2007.

For further information contact: HBG Public Relations Department:  Alan Smith, telephone +44 (0)20 83 38 26 35 or email: asmith@hbgc.co.uk, Lucie Culkin telephone +44 (0)20 83 38 27 10 or email: lculkin@hbgc.co.uk or Carrie-Anne Savage +44 (0)20 83 38 23 41 or email: casavage@hbgc.co.uk.

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