Appointment at BAM PPP Germany

Bunnik, Netherlands, 30 November 2005 – Christian Diringer has been appointed Geschäftsführer (managing director) of BAM PPP Deutschland GmbH from 1 November 2005. Mr Diringer was formerly employed by Bilfinger Berger BOT GmbH as Project Director for toll roads in Germany, Central Eastern Europe and Australia. Mr Diringer was heavily involved as Member of the Supervisory Board in the M6, Hungary, and as Managing Director in the Herrentunnel Luebeck, Germany.

From the same date the management of BAM PPP Deutschland consists of David Wilson (chairman), Richard Fielder, Harry Duncan, Ralf Nagengast and Christian Diringer.

BAM PPP bv (the PPP company of Royal BAM Group, Bunnik, The Netherlands) has combined its German PPP specialists into BAM PPP Deutschland GmbH. This company, based in Frankfurt, will be the focal point for the Group’s investment in Public Private Partnerships in Germany.

BAM is a partner in the autobahn+ consortium, which has been prequalified for the A8 A-model road widening scheme in the South of Germany and is seeking prequalification to bid the A4 scheme, the second A-model project to be advertised. The various F-model road projects are also being pursued.

BAM PPP Deutschland also intends to become a sponsor and investor in the growing PPP building accommodation market in Germany, and is presently seeking prequalification to bid for the new correctional facility in Burg, Magdeburg.

BAM group companies, Müller-Altvatter and Wayss & Freytag Schlüsselfertigbau, are partners in the PPP project to build a school for mentally handicapped children in Frechen, including the long-term maintenance of the building.  Müller-Altvatter is also involved in the building, maintenance and operation of the Ostend education centre in Frankfurt am Main. This educational complex includes an academy of music, an evening school and an adult education centre. Müller-Altvatter has also recently announced the award of a PPP contract for the realisation of a new laboratory building for the university hospital of Essen.

Further information: R. Nagengast, +49 (0)69 740 930 11.

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