Appointment director BAM Woningbouw

Appointment director BAM Woningbouw

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 11 June 2004 – The Executive Board of Royal BAM Group nv has appointed Mr M.J.S.A. Broos director of BAM Woningbouw with effect from 1 July 2004.

Mario Broos (45) has been employed by BAM since 1986 and is currently area director of BAM Woningbouw, Breda.

From 1 July 2004 the management of BAM Woningbouw will consist of L. Dragt (chairman), D.J. Boonstra, M.J.S.A. Broos and J.H.A. Vaags.

With a workforce of 3,000, twelve branch offices and turnover of around €800 million, BAM Woningbouw is the largest housing developer-builder in the Netherlands.

Further information:

A.C. Pronk, +31 30 659 86 21.

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