New control tower at Zaventem Airport

New control tower at Zaventem Airport

The building of a new pier spoils the view of the runways from the old tower. It was this that prompted Belgocontrol to opt for a new tower in a different position. BAM’s Belgian operating company CEI is executing the project in joint venture with sister company Galère.

Apart from the control tower, and the control building at its foot, the two BAM companies are also involved in the second phase of the project. That comprises a complex of three buildings, providing a training centre, administrative offices and an accommodation centre with restaurant. The construction work is in the hands of CEI, Galère and CIT-Blaton, with Galère also having responsibility for groundworks, roads and landscaping. The same three companies will also be carrying out phase three, which involves the expansion of the air traffic control computer centre Canac. The contract value for all three phases is 63 million euros.

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