Glasgow contracts

Glasgow City Council has awarded HBG Construction a fourteen million euro refurbishment contract at the Glasgow City Halls, incorporating the old Fishmarket adjacent to the building, with work beginning this month and completion set for July 2005.

Last September, HBG began work on the new 36 million euro Biomedical and Cardiovascular Centres at the University of Glasgow (completion due in June 2005), followed in December by commencement of work on the large Aurora Office Building for GLP Intressenter AB. The latter is also valued at 36 million euros and is due to finish in September 2005. In addition to these construction projects, HBG Properties gave the green light for construction to begin on the next phase of its Cochrane Square mixed development in January, for hand-over in April next year – adding another seven million euros to work in progress. HBG Properties has other on-going developments elsewhere in the city.

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