Clapham bypass

Clapham bypass

At the end of this year it should be over at last. Then peace and quiet will reign once again in Clapham, which lies about 90 kilometres north of London. At the moment more than 20,000 vehicles rumble through the village every day. Over 85 percent of these will soon be able to make use of the bypass that Nuttall is building to the west of the village.

Nuttall and Norwest Holst will have turned in a remarkable performance. Although the Clapham bypass will only be 5.5 kilometres long, the project actually includes five engineering structures. The bypass road twice crosses the River Great Ouse, which curves its way through the countryside here. These viaducts are 180 and 157 metres long to ensure that the flood plains are not obstructed. The consortium is also building three bridges to take other roads over the bypass.

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