€62 million contract for construction of Irish National Aquatic Centre

€62 million contract for construction of Irish National Aquatic Centre

Rohcon [the Irish building company of HBG] has been awarded a design and build contract for the National Aquatic Centre. This major complex will be realised on the outskirts of the Irish capital Dublin. The contract value for Rohcon amounts to €62 million. The client is Campus and Stadium Ireland Development.

The project comprises a fifty-metre pool with floating floors to allow for both swimming and diving competitions, a subtropical leisure water park with water slides and a health club with gym and aerobics facilities. The pool hall will accommodate three thousand spectators.

The National Aquatic Centre is being built under design-build-finance-and-operate contract. The design is the responsibility of S and P Architects. The third partner envolved is the American company Waterworld, which is part of the Six Flags Group.

Rohcon is due to complete the National Aquatic Centre by the end of 2002, with opening planned for February 2003. Four months after that, the complex will be used for the Special Olympics world summer games for people with a learning disability.


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