Nuttall management team developed to facilitate future growth

A number of senior management changes have been announced within Edmund Nuttall Ltd designed to allow increased focus on producing the highest level of service to clients, whilst accommodating the planned business growth.

Garry Crabtree is appointed Deputy Managing Director, Bob Treadgold becomes Operations Director – Central, responsible for all operations from the Midlands to the Thames, including East Anglia. David Belsham becomes Operations Director – North, taking responsibility for all operations in England north of Wales. Further internal appointments are as follows: Colin Scott - Area Manager - North East, Malcolm Corlett - Area Manager –Midlands, and Steve Fox - Area Manager - Central & West London and Ascon.  

For further information, please contact:

Peter Bishop, Public Relations Manager, Edmund Nuttall Ltd, telephone: 01276 854708, telefax: 01276 854710, Email:

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