Nuttall launch in Cork

A Nuttall/Ascon joint venture has just commenced tunnelling on the River Lee and Interceptor Sewer scheme in Cork.

This 2.6km, 3m diameter tunnel is part of phase one of the Cork Main Drainage scheme, which comprises six separate civil works contracts. The joint venture was awarded the £15.1 million IR contract for the construction of the River Lee Siphons and Interceptor Sewer Number One.

The tunnel is being driven uphill from a drive shaft at Atlantic Pond to a reception shaft at Kennedy Quay close to Cork City centre. The ground conditions mainly consist of sand, gravels, silts and a short section of carboniferous limestone. All shafts currently under construction are being sunk as wet caissons. The tunnel alignment follows overlying roads for much of its length in a series of curves, which will have a minimum radius of 200m.

For further information, please contact:

Peter Bishop, Public Relations Manager, Edmund Nuttall Ltd, St James House, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3XW, telephone: 01276 854708, telefax: 01276 854710, email:

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