Nuttall secures £3.4 million Cardiff Bay aeration scheme

Edmund Nuttall Ltd has been awarded a £3.4 million contract by Cardiff County Council to provide an oxygenation intervention system to aerate Cardiff Bay, Penarth Marina and tributary rivers – the Taff and the Ely.

Nuttall, together with designer The Environmental Advice Centre Ltd from Mold, North Wales, has developed an innovative solution for maintaining the oxygen levels within the waters of the Cardiff inland bay. This is achieved by using a series of compressors to blow air through a network of sunken armoured pipes to an array of diffusers placed on the bed of the bay, from which air bubbles gently to the water surface. The planning supervisor for the scheme is Ove Arup of Cardiff.

This project builds upon Nuttall’s environmental expertise, which has already seen numerous recent contract awards for such diverse schemes as flood alleviation, land remediation and water purification using reed bed technology.

Work on the scheme commenced during October 2000, and will take approximately eight months to complete.

For further information, please contact:

Peter Bishop, Public Relations Manager, Edmund Nuttall Ltd, St James House, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3XW, telephone: 01276 854708, telefax: 01276 854710, email:

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