Nuttall 'bag' powerstation project at Baglan

Edmund Nuttall Ltd has been awarded a £19 million contract to construct the civils element of a new 500 megawatt powerstation in Baglan, near Port Talbot in South Wales, by client International General Electric.

This powerstation will be the first new generation H-SERIES to be built in the world and will be capable of operating at temperatures of up to 2600 F.

Nuttall will be involved in a comprehensive civils package comprising the heat recovery steam generator building, gas turbine pedestal and turbine building, cogeneration plant, cooling towers, chemical feed building, chimney foundations, service and administration building as well as interconnecting pipework, drainage and service ducts.

In addition Nuttall was also awarded a contract for the piling works for the power station valued at £2.3 million. The project is expected to take 65 weeks to complete.

For further information, please contact:

Peter Bishop, Public Relations Manager, Edmund Nuttall Ltd, St James House, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3XW, telephone: 01276 854708, telefax: 01276 854710, email:

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