BAM helps local residents get a taste of construction

BAM helps local residents get a taste of construction

Hemel Hempstead, 10 August 2021 - Eleven residents who live near the Sky Studios Elstree site attended BAM’s Get into Construction Taster, which was held in partnership with Job Centre Plus (Department for Work and Pensions) and Clarion Residents, Housing association.

The residents who had all expressed an interest in working in the construction industry were given a series of presentations covering the variety of careers available with the industry, current vacancies on the Sky Studios project, the support available from Job Centre Plus and how to receive training grants from the local housing association.

June Wilkinson, BAM’s Education and Community Co-ordinator, led the event and was joined by Angela Evans, from Job Centre Plus, Donna Dongahey from Clarion Residents and Will Campion from O’Keefe one of the sub-contractors carrying out the groundworks at Sky Studios Elstree. Joshua Howe, our shared Quantity Surveying Apprentice, also spoke about his experiences working as an Apprentice on the project.

June Wilkinson said: ‘We are pleased to have partnered with JCP and Clarion Residents Housing Association to provide this taster session for local residents interested in working in the construction industry. The session was well received by all those that attended and we are planning to host regular sessions.’

The next session will be on 16 September 2021. If you are local to the Sky Studios Elstree, speak to your work coach at DWP to find out how you can be part of our next event on 16 September.

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