Announcement BAM regarding Annual General Meeting 15 April 2020

 Mededelingen BAM over jaarlijkse algemene vergadering op 15 april 2020

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 31 March 2020 – Royal BAM Groep nv confirms that the Annual General Meeting of 15 April 2020 will take place at 14.00 hours, although the set-up has changed. In connection with the coronavirus outbreak and in order to align with government guidelines, a number of measures are being taken to minimise the risk of contamination and ensure the meeting is conducted in a responsible manner. There is an urgent appeal to shareholders not to be physically present, but to vote by proxy and/or ask questions in advance.


Given the extraordinary circumstances, BAM has decided as a precautionary measure to withdraw the dividend proposal 2019 from the agenda for the Annual General Meeting of 15 April 2020.

Change of location

Other than previously announced, the meeting will take place at Royal BAM Group nv’s head office, Runnenburg 9, 3981 AZ Bunnik, the Netherlands. As already on announced 17 March, all social events before and after the planned meeting are cancelled. In addition, only a delegation from the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board will be present.

Casting votes by proxy

In order to minimise the risk of contamination, shareholders are expected not to attend the meeting in person; instead, shareholders should cast their votes by proxy, submit questions in advance and follow the live webcast of the meeting. Shareholders can provide their voting instructions to independent third party IQ-EQ, via 05. Voting proxy form or via

Personal attendance has to be reconfirmed

Shareholders who still insist on attending the meeting in person must reconfirm their attendance by email via In order to ensure proper health and safety at the meeting, BAM reserves the right to amend the physical arrangements on the day, including refusing entry to the meeting.

Questions have to be send in before the meeting

Shareholders can make remarks and ask questions regarding the subjects on the agenda by email to up to 12.00 hours on Tuesday 14 April. The email has to include the surname and initials (for the minutes) and the registration number received via ABN AMRO Bank. Any questions received from shareholders which are not answered during the meeting will be published and answered after the meeting on the company’s website as soon as possible.

Live videowebcast

As in previous years, the meeting can be followed via a live video webcast. Note that followers will not be able to to ask questions or vote over the internet during the meeting.

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