Composition Executive Board

Samenstelling raad van bestuur

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 22 January 2018 – The Supervisory Board of Royal BAM Group nv announces that Mrs T. (Thessa) Menssen MBA will step down as CFO and member of the Executive Board of the Company effective 1 July 2018. This decision has been reached by mutual agreement as the further implementation of the strategic agenda requires a different fulfillment of the CFO role. The process to find a successor has been started.

Mrs Menssen has been a member of the Executive Board of Royal BAM Group since October 2012 and is CFO since January 2013.

The Supervisory Board would like to thank Thessa Menssen for her contribution to BAM. She has been highly dedicated to BAM and its stakeholders. The Group wishes her every success in her future endeavours.

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