BAM Nuttall celebrates 150 Years with Borders Railway Handover

From left: Nissar Mohammed (project director), Amanda Findlay (head teacher), Stephen Ashley (section foreman), Simon Edgar (sub-agent).

Camberley, 12 June 2015 - The 14th June marks the formal contract completion for BAM Nuttall on the Borders Railway project and the date when the new railway transfers officially to the ScotRail Alliance team. To mark this major milestone and as a signature event in the company’s 150th Anniversary Celebrations, pupils and teachers from Stow Primary School in the Scottish Borders joined BAM’s project director, Nissar Mohammed at the new Stow Station.

Little more than two years after construction commenced on the £294 million Borders Railway project, the project has now reached another major milestone with formal handover of the new asset from design and build contractor BAM Nuttall to the ScotRail Alliance team formed of Network Rail and Abellio. The longest domestic railway to be constructed in Britain for over a century has been delivered on time and within budget. Driver training has commenced on the fully commissioned route with rail services on programme to return to the Scottish Borders for the first time in 46 years in September.

At it’s peak the BAM team for the Borders Railway project topped 1,000 construction personnel including many local businesses from the Borders, the Lothians and Fife. Over £40m of subcontract and supply contracts were placed directly with local businesses. Throughout the design and construction process the input, patience and support of the communities along the route has been a hallmark of the project’s success.

Across the UK BAM Nuttall is celebrating 150 Years as one of the UK’s leading infrastructure businesses. Today pupils and teachers from Stow Primary School in the Scottish Borders joined BAM Project Director for Borders Railway, Nissar Mohammed at Stow Station, one of seven new stations along the new route.

Commenting on the success of the project, Nissar Mohammed explained: ‘Working closely with the residents, businesses, schools and community groups during construction has been one of the most rewarding aspects of the project. Delivering a project of this size and complexity within a very demanding construction programme, relies on strong connections with the people and communities most impacted by the construction process. This is a huge year for BAM as we celebrate our 150th Anniversary, the success achieved in bring a new railway to the Borders is undoubtedly the major highlight.’

Amanda Findlay Head Teacher at Stow Primary School, added: ‘Since August 2013, when the construction of the railway began, BAM have recognised the impact of this on Stow Primary School and have sought to build a positive relationship with the school. The pupils have been inspired and enthused by a range of talks from various workers on the project. Most recently BAM have made a significant financial contribution to our ‘Lives on the Line Exhibition’ which will showcase the work of pupils in researching real life characters from the past who had links to the Waverly Line.’

Further information: Peter Bishop, Head of Public Relations and Corporate Communications,

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