Tebodin designs underground pipelines for TAQA

(Press releaseTebodin:) The Hague, the Netherlands, 22 July 2009 - Tebodin Consultants & Engineers has been awarded a contract by TAQA Energy B.V for the detailed engineering of the pipelines as part of the Bergermeer Gas Storage project in the northwest of the Netherlands.

(Press releaseTebodin:) The Hague, the Netherlands, 22 July 2009 - Tebodin Consultants & Engineers has been awarded a contract by TAQA Energy B.V for the detailed engineering of the pipelines as part of the Bergermeer Gas Storage project in the northwest of the Netherlands.

TAQA and its partners are proposing to use the empty Bergermeer gas reservoir for gas storage. The project comprises the modification of the existing well site in Bergen and one new facility site for gas treatment in Alkmaar and a pipeline system.

Upon completion, Bergermeer Gas Storage will be Europe's largest new gas storage facility with an initial working volume of 4.1 billion cubic metres. The storage will significantly enhance the security of energy supply to Dutch and European consumers and contribute to the liquidity of the North-West European gas markets.

The gas will be transported via four manifold systems (located on the well site) connected to two high pressure (160 barg.) pipelines to the Gas Treatment Plant in Alkmaar. The length of each pipeline is approximately 8.6 km. Here the production flow will be separated into gas, condensate and water phases. The gas will be treated to lower the water content and hydrocarbon dew point to meet the product sales specification. The gas will be delivered to the Gasunie grid by two connections: A thirty six inch connection to the Gasunie grid east of Alkmaar and a twenty four inch connection to the grid west of Alkmaar.

Tebodin is responsible for the complete engineering services for the underground pipelines. It comprises detailed engineering and design, permitting documents, procurement assistance and all other activities necessary to facilitate the successful completion of the pipelines.

The detailed design has already started and will last approximately 10-11 months.

About TAQA Energy B.V.

In the Netherlands, TAQA acquired BP Netherlands' gas exploration and production assets including onshore, offshore and storage facilities in 2007, located in the Dutch Continental Shelf of the North Sea and in the region of Alkmaar in the North Western part of the Netherlands. TAQA's assets in the North Sea are operated under the subsidiary TAQA Energy B.V.

The business includes TAQA operated onshore and offshore production assets, the Piek Gas Installation (PGI) facility in Alkmaar, and gas storage facilities at the Bergermeer field in the Netherlands: the Bergermeer Gas Storage.

At present there are approximately 170 people working for TAQA in the Netherlands, located at operational assets and TAQA offices in The Hague, Alkmaar and Amsterdam.

For further information please visit www.taqaglobal.com

About Tebodin

Tebodin B.V. is an independent, multidisciplinary consultancy and engineering firm with a turnover of € 232 million (2008). Tebodin offers her clients worldwide the knowledge and experience of over 3,000 experts in industry, health & nutrition, oil & gas, (petrol) chemicals, infrastructure, real estate, and energy & environment. The company has a network of around fifty offices in West, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Tebodin is an operating company of Royal BAM Group nv, the Netherlands.

Further information: Brigit Stokman 31 (0)70 348 07 19 or www.tebodin.com

About Natural Gas Storage

Storing natural gas underground is a long-established practice, with hundreds of facilities safely operating all over the world.  The Bergermeer Gas Storage will utilize cutting-edge technology. Furthermore, national and international TAQA standards for its oil and gas operations ensure technology is used with a very high safety level.

The gas proposed for storage in the Bergermeer Gas Storage is processed dry, clean natural gas, which poses no significant documented health risk.  The gas will be stored at a depth of 2.5 km, well below the water table and is enclosed by impermeable layers of rock.  Since there is no oxygen present in this layer of sandstone, there is no risk of ignition.

TAQA has conducted a series of comprehensive safety studies to confirm the scientific and geologic integrity and viability of the storage reservoir and to ensure public safety.  A study by Dutch research institute TNO has found gas storage in the Bergermeer reservoir is safe and also concluded that gas storage will decrease geological risks such as earth tremors.

Cushion gas provides pressure in the reservoir required for commercial storage operations.

About Bergermeer Gas Storage

Upon completion, Bergermeer Gas Storage will be Europe's largest new gas storage facility with an initial working volume of 4.1 billion cubic metres.

The storage will significantly enhance the security of energy supply to Dutch and European consumers and contribute to the liquidity of the North-West European gas markets.  Consequently, the project is an essential component of the Dutch Government's ambition to realise the 'gas roundabout of North-West Europe' in the Netherlands.

A majority of the storage capacity will be made available to third parties.

TAQA has set beyond Best-Available-Technology (BAT) as a standard for the project. An example of this is the design of the gas treatment and compression facilities as a Zero Emission plant, which means there will be no emissions to the atmosphere of hydrocarbons or CO2.

TAQA is an expert gas storage operator with existing underground facilities in Alkmaar, the Netherlands and Saskatchewan, Canada.

About Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC (TAQA)

Founded in 2005, TAQA (Abu Dhabi National Energy Company (PJSC)) is a global energy company with a growing asset base of AED 86 billion (US$ 23.5 billion). One of the largest companies listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX), with 2008 revenue of more than AED 16 billion (US$ 4.4 billion), TAQA is a flagship corporation for the Government of Abu Dhabi.

TAQA's strategic goal is to build and operate a geographically diverse global portfolio of energy businesses across the value chain. It has operations in power generation, water desalination, upstream oil/gas, pipelines, and gas storage.

TAQA employs approximately 2,800 people from 41 different nations and operates from its offices in: Abu Dhabi; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Aberdeen; Amsterdam; Calgary and The Hague. This footprint is further extended through alliances with partners across Africa, the Middle East, Europe, North America and India.

TAQA carries an Aa2 credit rating from Moody's.

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