BAM presents new calculation model of CO₂ emissions by construction companies

Bunnik, Netherlands, 24 June 2008 – Royal BAM Group nv has developed a calculation model that construction companies can use to determine their CO₂ emissions. The calculation model also takes account of the CO₂ emissions by construction partners and suppliers. It also provides insights into the CO₂ emissions of the products delivered once they are actually being used. BAM believes it is essential that the construction sector has a picture of its own carbon footprint if it is to be able to work effectively and efficiently at reducing CO₂ emissions.

N.J. de Vries, vice chairman of the Executive Board of BAM, handed over the first copy of the publication containing this model this afternoon at a symposium in Wassenaar to Mr R.F.M. Lubbers, in his role as the facilitator of the Rotterdam Climate Initiative. The Rotterdam Climate Initiative, which is part of a worldwide network of cities and ports within the Clinton Climate Initiative, is aiming to cut CO₂ emissions by fifty per cent in 2025, as compared with 1990. In his response on receiving the publication, Mr Lubbers stated that he would hand the copy over to the Dutch Prime Minister, Mr J. P. Balkenende, and ask him to adopt its recommendations.

BAM has carried out the calculations of its own CO₂ emissions using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol as the basis. This means that the company's own emissions are determined as a consequence of energy consumption at the offices and business premises, the consumption of fuel by the vehicle fleet, the business flights by staff and the consumption of energy at the construction sites and production locations. CO₂ emissions by BAM as a result of the operational activities in the Netherlands in 2007 have been calculated at 117 kilotons. Construction sites and production locations produce the lion's share of BAM's CO₂ emissions, particularly due to BAM's holdings in asphalt stations. BAM will investigate how the CO₂ emissions from asphalt stations can be reduced, without weakening the competitive position. BAM will also investigate what further savings are possible.

CO₂ emissions in the Netherlands are approximately eleven tons per person per year. This means that the emissions by BAM per employee per year are roughly the same as those for an average Dutch person per year. The total CO₂ emissions in the Netherlands are estimated at 172,400 kilotons. The 117 kilotons emitted by BAM contributed 0.07% of the total CO₂ emissions of the Netherlands in 2006.

At the same time as the presentation of the calculation model, BAM also launched the (Dutch) website BAM wants to use the CO₂ desk to make the knowledge about the reduction of CO₂ emissions that is present within the company available to all partners in the Dutch construction industry. The target groups are customers and construction partners who want to reduce CO₂ emissions in the usage phase and in the supply chain.

Numerous customers have their own ambitions when it comes to sustainability. The national government in the Netherlands has the objective of 100% sustainable purchasing by 2010. In order to guarantee sustainable and socially responsible business practices in the construction process, BAM produced a proposal in 2006 for including social themes in the selection and awarding criteria for the tendering process.

Further information: A.C. Pronk, 31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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