Interbeton wins again contract for LNG jetty in Australia

Interbeton wins again contract for LNG jetty in Australia

Bunnik, Netherlands, 3 April 2008 – Interbeton bv – the operating company of Royal BAM Group nv, active outside Europe – has been awarded a joint venture to construct the LNG jetty berth for the Woodside Pluto LNG Project near Karratha on the Australian west coast. The contract amounts to approximately € 120 million, of which Interbeton’s share is half.

The contract for the 300 metre long approach jetty will be undertaken in joint venture with Clough Ltd. of Australia. The LNG jetty berth will include a 38 metre x 50 metre platform, four breasting dolphins, six mooring dolphins and navigational aids. The joint venture will again use Interbeton Jackup barge IB-909, which has been completely renovated in Singapore recently.

The Harbourworks Clough joint venture has successfully completed many marine structures in Australia and continues a 40 year relationship.

The project commenced with the preliminary works in November 2007 and is scheduled for completion in the fourth quarter of 2009. The joint venture recently completed the Train 5 LNG Jetty, also for Woodside, as part of the North West Shelf Venture gas processing facilities on the Burrup Peninsula.

Further information: A.C. Pronk, 31 (0)30 659 86 21.

Photograph courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd.

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