BAM operating companies win joint venture contract for Zaventem rail system

Brussels (Neder-over-Heembeek), Belgium, 28 September 2007 – The Dialink consortium, consisting of CEI-De Meyer and Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau (both Royal BAM Group operating companies), as well as CFE, Vinci Construction Grands Projets and Smet Tunneling, was awarded the contract to construct the Diabolo heavy rail system in Zaventem, Belgium, today. Clients are nv Northern Diabolo, serving as the special purpose vehicle (SPV) organisation for the railway infrastructure, and nv Via-Zaventem, as the SPV for the road infrastructure. The contract value amounts to over €300 million, half of which was awarded to BAM. The project is initiated by Infrabel, the manager of the Belgian railway infrastructure.

The Diabolo heavy railway system project involves the expansion of the Brussels Airport (Zaventem) railway station and the drilling of two 1,080-metre tunnel tubes underneath the airport. In addition, the project includes the construction of cut-and-cover tunnels and the creation of a link to the future railway infrastructure on the E19 motorway central reserve. This railway infrastructure is constructed under a separate contract by a CEI-De Meyer - CFE consortium. Finally, the project includes changes to the road network (an interchange, a viaduct, a cycle tunnel, a cycle bridge and roads) and the infrastructure's M&E equipment.

Construction will begin in mid-October 2007 and will take four years to complete.

Further information: A.C. Pronk, 31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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