£125m rail work for Nuttall

Edmund Nuttall Ltd has secured a five-year maintenance contract with Railtrack’s Southern Region.

Under the contract, which has an estimated value of £75m, Nuttall will operate in partnership with Railtrack to undertake maintenance and renewal work on rail structures throughout the region.  The works are to be delivered under a target cost arrangement aimed at encouraging both ‘partners’ to maximise the efficiency of the construction operations, with cost savings against the targets being shared between client and contractor.

Further success in the rail maintenance market was registered with the award to Nuttall this month of an alliance contract with Railtrack for upgrade work associated with the West Coast Route Modernisation programme.  The contract, worth £50m, is for safety related improvements to lineside infrastructure on the West Coast line between Crewe and Glasgow and is scheduled for completion in October 2002.

These awards compliment Nuttall’s existing rail maintenance activities in Scotland and North West Region, where the company has been working with Railtrack in partnering/alliance contracts since 1997.

For further information, please contact:

Peter Bishop, Public Relations Manager, Edmund Nuttall Ltd, St James House, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3XW, telephone: 01276 854708,  telefax: 01276 854710, email: peter.bishop@edmund-nuttall.co.uk

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